The benefits of building a high performing team

This article on building a high performance team follows on from our previous articles on finding and employing the right people within your business, found here.

So why bother building a high performance team? Why not just find the cheapest people you can, treat them with the minimum level of decency to have them stay and then just replace leavers with more of the same? Well, the difference between an outstanding team and a mediocre one is like night and day. One enables a life of prosperity and freedom, the other kills it. And that’s not just for the individuals in the team – it’s for you as the business owner too.

An outstanding team will treat your customers in a way that means they never leave you. They will deliver the work of the business at least as well as you do and often better. They will protect and grow your company. They will care. They will solve their own problems. And they will do all this even when you’re not looking.

So, a quick recap from our previous articles. People EN3RGY:

What’s the purpose of employing people in your business 1 (1)

Your job as the owner of the business is to build a team of great people who find and look after your customers. Those customers will build your business which in turn will give you the life you want. It’s a symbiotic relationship – and who wants their life to be dependent on the work of poor or mediocre performing people?

There are no good people to be found

It starts with recruiting the right people (based on skills, attitude and fit to your organisation). Consciously retaining great people by providing conditions that fit them and a culture to which they can belong and in which they thrive comes next. Helping people develop, whether it’s in the role they currently have or to help them progress means you can provide a future that people can subscribe to and ultimately, managing succession so people can leave, be promoted and take on new roles completes the first round of the cycle.

In our next article, we’ll look at 7 ways to build a high performance team. Don’t want to miss out on future articles and updates? Subscribe to our mailing list and have the latest updates sent straight to your inbox.


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