The importance of looking after Your Energy

Why is it so important to look after your own energy levels? Well, there’s 2 main reasons. 

The first is for you – life is so much more fulfilling when your energy levels are high. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean that everyone has to get the pom-poms out and raa-raa their way to enthusiasm every day – people build, maintain and exhibit energy in different ways as we’ll look at in our second article. But it’s true. When you are energised (in whatever way that works for you), things get done, you feel great and life is good. 

I’m sure you’ve experienced both of these situations in the past – cast your mind back to an example of each and remember how you felt.

De-energised: when you’re tired, sick or just not feeling it even the things you really enjoy doing become a drag. First of all, think of something you love doing on a regular basis. Then think of a time you were feeling low for a few days at a time. You may have been ill, exhausted, feeling low because of something happening in your life. Even the desire to do the thing you love will have hit the floor.

Energised: when you’re in flow, feeling great and really going for it, good things happen. Remember a time that you felt great, when you tackled something that seemed impossible beforehand, that really took you out of your comfort zone and made you think “look what I / we did!” at the end of it. Even the seemingly impossible becomes achievable in a high energy state.

The second reason is that just as the culture of an organisation comes from the top, the energy and drive of the people within a company mirrors that of the leadership. In short, however you are is how your teams will be in terms of energy levels. Companies with an energetic, confident leadership team move quicker, are more successful and retain the right staff for longer. Again, this doesn’t mean every leader has to be a full on Richard Branson but energy in whatever form you exhibit, it is contagious. 

It’s also important to note that some people give energy and some people consume it. Think about people you know who get you going. They provoke a strong emotion in you (positive or negative) and get you wanting to do things. Cast your mind back to someone who has inspired you through an interaction you had with them – they are an example of an energy giver. Then think of the opposite. Most of us know one or more people who leave us feeling drained, tired or low. These are energy consumers.

Life is better, for you and for those around you, if you can be an energy giver. That’s not to say there aren’t times when we may need help, support and energy from others – there most definitely are. But giving more than you take is a great way to approach a lot of things in life and energy is one of those things.

Looking after your energy levels can help you get stuff done, create new opportunities and enjoy the ride that is life. So how many of us consciously look after our energy levels on a daily basis?  Working with a wide variety of businesses and people over the years has shown me that it’s not that many. And a big reason for this is that many of us don’t know how.

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