Redefining Sales

What springs to mind when you hear the word “Sales”?

Del BoyMaybe it’s Del Boy and a yellow three wheeled van, maybe it’s the constant barrage of email, phone or social media content that we all seem to receive these days.

Maybe its something like “yeah, we could probably be doing more of that …”.

First off, let’s dispel a couple of myths. Successful selling for the majority of companies today isn’t about getting people to part with cash no matter what. If people buy something they don’t want which they end up regretting later, this harms your business far more than the passing benefit of banking that cash. At least it does if you’re a reputable business that wants to be around long into the future.

What if we were to think about sales more like : 

“Professionally helping people to acquire something that they want or need”

Put like that, it’s about far more than some short-term scheme to make a quick buck and move on to the next victim.

So why would we bother? Well apart from being able to sleep well at night, it’s really good for business.

I work with companies that sell to other companies. Normally in the industrial, manufacturing or technical services industries. What’s crystal clear when we look at sales together is that their customers generally have a problem or a desire which the companies I work with fulfil. 

When they do that in a way which filters out the prospective buyers for whom their product or service isn’t suitable and concentrates on the buyers who will really benefit from working with the company, their success rate improves and their costs involved with selling reduce. 

When they also work with a prospective buyer to figure out exactly where the benefits of working together will be, how to make sure the buyer gets real value from the transaction and then agree a fair price for both parties, a sale is made.

Increase Sales When they treat their new customer really well in the delivery of the product or service and keep in touch afterwards, more sales follow.

We have to put all those together to make it work really, really well. And that’s where most other companies fall down. This is the “Professionally” bit in the statement we made above.

In our second article later this month, we’ll go through some tips on how to make this work for your business.

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We work with business owners and MD’s to help gain clarity on their sales strategy and more. If you’re struggling with where to start, why not schedule a conversation with us? It’s free and at the very least you’ll come away with a couple of ideas to help you move forward.

Alternatively come along to one of our upcoming business masterclasses –  Upcoming Events